Thursday, February 15, 2018

Frothwight Crabclaw sculpt

So why am I making this post, since it’s not about a 3rd edition Chaos Dwarf (as the Blog sub title suggests, which I now quickly changed) but a recent sculpt. Well first of all it’s because I can do want I want (nehneh ne nehneh) and second because in a way it actually is about a eighties Chaos Dwarf. The story is as follows; a friend of mine and fellow 3rd edition chaos dwarf collector sent me this picture from an old Games Workshop novel from the eighties in I believe 2007 and asked me to sculpt him this figure.








 This is the only picture I could find online and is of poor quality, but if we zoom in a bit more at least one can make out some more details. It is an axe wielding Chaos Dwarf, the Chaos bit is clear since he has a third crab shaped arm. The name of this height challenged evil creature is Frothwight Crabclaw. The picture comes from an old Games Worksop novel (pre Black Library). My friend loved the character from the moment he read the novel and saw the picture and has used the name Frotwight for many years as an online username. If anyone has more information on this novel and the character please let me know.


Only once before had I sculpted from a picture (normally I just go with my own creational flow) so it was a good exercise for me at the same time.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor sjoerd trouwee



The sculpt was sold to Hasslfree and later on the rights of production transferred to Macrcosm, as part of their dark dwarves serie, but allas without the crab arm L




We are still up and running!

Hey all, as this is not a business venture but more of a service venture for the true old skool chaos dwarf fans, I am not actively promotin...